Lesson 7-The Marriage Reception & Special Question and Answer Session

This is the final lesson for this course. In this upcoming Q&A session, participants can ask any questions they may have concerning marriage. Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali will address your questions about the controversial ‘secret marriages’, polygyny, concerns about the dower, the marriage contract, and much more.  This final session will take place on Saturday, August 14th at 6pm PST-9pm EST. You can view it LIVE on our YouTube Channel or on our Facebook page

Lesson 6-When Married Non-Muslims Convert

Lesson 5-Forbidden Marriage

Lesson 4-The rules governing Polygyny and Remarriage.

Lesson 3-The Dower Gifts Before Marriage

Lesson 2-Finding A Potential Wife

Lesson 1-Introduction To The Course

Marriage is always a complex topic. Unfortunately, much of the current discourse in the Muslim community on the subject of marriage has a severe lack of reference to our sacred traditional Islamic texts. The Lamppost Education Initiative is pleased to present “The Married Life in Light of Imam Malik’s Muwatta’. This course will showcase and discuss multiple hadiths from the chapter on marriage in this classic work. Learn about courtship and finding the suitable mate, the dower,  rulings regarding the consummation of the marriage, and so much more.
The Married Life in Light of Imam Malik’s Muwatta is a seven-week, FREE online course with Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali, an assistant Professor of Islamic Law at Zaytuna College. Dr. Ali is an expert in Islamic law and the author and translator of numerous published works in Islamic law and belief. 

A new book from the Lamppost Education Initiative-The Muslim Funeral Guide

NEW Book Release from the Lamppost Education Initiative: 
Muslim Funeral Guide : A Muslim Reflection on Your Death & Afterlife. 
Available NOW. Click link below for details

Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali

He holds a Ph.D. in Cultural and Historical Studies in Religion (2016) and an M.A. in Ethics and Social Theory (2012) from the Graduate Theological Union. He  obtained his B.A. (ijaza ‘ulya) in Islamic Law (Shariah) from the prestigious Al-Qarawiyin University of Fes, Morocco in 2001. He served as full time Islamic chaplain at the State Correctional Institute of Chester, PA from 2002-2007, and is the founding director of the Lamppost Education Initiative. He currently serves as an Associate Professor of Islamic law and Prophetic Tradition at Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California. His research interests include the interconnection between law and identity formation, comparative Islamic law, and Islam’s role in the modern world.
Click HERE to see more articles, videos, and more from Dr. Abdullah Ali