Shaykh Mamdūḥ exposes the flaws in Al-Albani’s research and reasoning. He also reveals how his views contravene that of the overwhelming majority of scholars throughout Islamic history including many of those who Al-Albānī himself admired and emulated in a number of areas, like Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiya, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya, and Imam ‘Alī al-Shawkānī.

I can personally relate many stories of how I personally witnessed this improper application of understanding bid'ah from people who follow Shaykh al-Albani in this (and how harmful it has been), so to see this clarification from the viewpoint of the science of hadith is truly refreshing.

The Lamppost Education Initiative is pleased to present this fascinating work that responds to the claim by the famed hadith scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Al-Albani, that the dhikr beads are an innovation (bid’a) of the Deen. 

This is a translation of the  book entitled Wuṣūl at-Tahānī bi ithbāti sunniyyati al-subḥati wal-raddu ‘alā Al-Albānī, or ‘Achieving Enjoyment by Establishing that Dhikr Beads are Sunna and the Rebuttal of Al-Albānī
 Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali has translated this work of the hadith scholar Shaykh Mahmud Sa’id Mamduh which provides a detailed  defense of  the use of dhikr beads by directly responding to the hadith based arguments of Shaykh Al-Albani. 
This work is now available on Amazon in paperback and for your Kindle reader. Please click the links below to order your copy of this unique work today. 


Recommended Courses:
Introduction To The Hadith Science by Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali
‘The Sunna of Dhikr Beads In Response to Shaykh Al-Albani ‘ is a technical work that utilizes the hadith science (‘ulum ul-hadith).  We highly recommend that you take this introductory course from Lamppost as a reference for this amazing work from Shaykh Mahmud.

Please stay tuned. Sign up for our email list for updates on this exciting new book from Lamppost. 

Shaykh Mahmud Sa’id Mamduh


Shaykh Mahmud Sa’id Mamduh is the author of our new work: “The Sunna of Dhikr Beads: In Response to Shaykh  Al-Albani”
Born in 1952 in Cairo, Egypt. He obtained his Ph.d from Al-Azhar and then began his study with many other shaykhs and scholars.
Among his notable Shaykhs were:
Shaykh ‘Abd Allah b. Al-Siddiq Al-Ghumari
Shaykh ‘Abd Al-‘Aziz b. Al-Siddiq Al-Ghumari
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Fadani
Shaykh Muhammad Najib Al-Mati’i
Shaykh Isma’il Uthman Al-Yamani
Shaykh Mahmud has studied with over 50 Shaykhs and scholars and he specializes in the school Imam Shafi’i, seerah, the Qur’anic sciences, the hadith sciences, usul-ul-fiqh, and other disciplines.
Shaykh Mahmud is the author of more than 30 books on the Islamic sciences.

Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali

He holds a Ph.D. in Cultural and Historical Studies in Religion (2016) and an M.A. in Ethics and Social Theory (2012) from the Graduate Theological Union. He  obtained his B.A. (ijaza ‘ulya) in Islamic Law (Shariah) from the prestigious Al-Qarawiyin University of Fes, Morocco in 2001. He served as full time Islamic chaplain at the State Correctional Institute of Chester, PA from 2002-2007, and is the founding director of the Lamppost Education Initiative. He currently serves as an Associate Professor of Islamic law and Prophetic Tradition at Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California. His research interests include the interconnection between law and identity formation, comparative Islamic law, and Islam’s role in the modern world.
Click HERE to see more articles, videos, and more from Dr. Abdullah Ali