Liberalism has never solved it's inability to deal with true difference...

Should Muslim political theorists follow the same epistemology as famous Western thinkers like Carl Schmitt, a noted political theorist best known for his critique of liberalism? How should the concept of tawhid impact Islamic political thought? In this brief exclusive Lamppost video, Dr. Zara Khan takes a quick look at Carl Schmitt’s definition of politics based on the distinction of friends and enemies and how this distinction shaped political theory in modernity.
Dr. Khan then discusses how Islam brings a richer sense of meaning to political theory that goes beyond current secular formations.

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Dr. Zara Khan

 Zara Khan is a daughter, mother, wife, student, teacher and scholar in Political Science. She has a BA from Hunter College (City University of New York) MA./PhD. from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Her specializations are Comparative Politics, Political Theory and Human Rights. Her doctoral dissertation, “Refractions Through the Secular: Islam, Human Rights and Universality,” questions the universality claims of Human Rights on account of their secular definition of the human being, and unsettles the modern concept of ‘religion.’ She has taught comparative politics, social science literature and political theory at Lehigh University, The City University of New York and New Jersey City University. She has published a report-back from a fact-finding mission to the West Bank in a women-of-color feminist magazine. She is fluent in Urdu and Spanish. Her next scholarly project will attempt, in sha’ Allah, to problematize the state-of- nature concept by drawing on foundational classical Islamic governance themes.